MAGIC Ball Dress, Watercolor garden
Product ID: 6227 74,99€ Available now Clothes: 100 days to return
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This dress is Super-nice for everyday using! And look at these wonderful colours!
Sampsukka's clothes are all stitched 100% in Finland. Made from jersey. Half-length sleeve works year-round.
The best thing about this model is that there is two pockets: The top of the dress is designed to be rigid so that the dress sits well - and looks good! Materials are of high quality and flexible so that these are comfortable to use.
Sizes fit well the reality. Below the product pictures you can also find Sizetables with measurements.
Printed jersey has Öko-tex 100 certification to ensure that no harmful substances are used. It is a safe choice. Colour and joy for everyday without compromising on quality!
Did you know, that softeners may weaken the flexibility of elastane? This is why we don't recommend using them.

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